Saturday, May 23, 2009


Our capital:

Our radio:

Meant to tour the Parliament Buildings but spent the whole day at the Museum of Civilization. Here we are 10,000 miles on, and the very first display we see is about the Musqueum reserve, two blocks from where I grew up! I thought "I came all that way to see THIS??" But we never even made it to the third floor, the place is so full of interesting stuff. They even had our kitchen radio...boy, do I feel old now.

Had a Chinese feast at Aunt Rachel's, and reacquainted with cousin Ted (after 40+ years) and met his wife Christine. Does he look like his dad! Same twinkle in the eye. He used to race Mini's, now he just tinkers. Here's one of the surviving loves of his life:


  1. Just read your whole blog in one sitting, your writing is pleasantly engaging. Quite the trip you're on Brian, I'm jealous. Hopefully I don't have to wait until I'm your age to do a similar trip myself.

  2. Dear bluetoes,

    I blush! Please, DON'T wait til your my age! There's so much of the world to discover. The best advice I can think of is to set no deadlines, and have no agenda. Some days are just a blur of freeway signs, in retrospect.
