Robbi's welts continue to grow and spread, and we may have to forego our tour of Halifax harbour today, in favor of a visit to Emergency.
Yesterday we drove the Cabot Trail, which can best be described as the old Sea-to-Sky Highway without all the assholes. It was virtually empty, and a real pleasure to drive. It's a good thing we ate first, though, as the tourist season hasn't arrived here yet, and EVERY restaurant was closed. There's still snow here! Bought a CD of Atlantic women's music to accompany us, which was very nice. Once again, the views that haunt me are the ones I couldn't photograph; I need a movie camera permanently running, attached to my head.
Day 40!
Hard to believe it's been 40 days. Today we spent $97 on gas, and still haven't made it out of New Brunswick. Can't help but feel that our race thru NS and NB has denied us the best scenery, but we did chance upon the longest covered bridge, and some pretty scenic spots. Actually saw a moose too, so the signs don't lie. We're in a cheap dive in Edmundson, with 'free' wi-fi that you can't connect to, and anyway no google-related app will run on this laptop anymore. Bizarre. Got the full poutine treatment from two charming young francophone filles at a new little restaurant where we felt like their very first customers. Stuffed. Happy to be back in Canada with good ol' Canadian TV, though and was even able to watch Man. U clinch the English title with a fiercely fought 0-0 draw over Arsenal.
Lots of French spoken here. Wished I'd learned more. Robbi's swelling is going down, just a painful itch remaining. Didn't need hospital treatment, just some anti-inflammatory medication and calomine lotion.
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